Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers – Amerex C262 2.5 Gal
The best hand-portable fire extinguishers for restaurant kitchen appliances that you can get are WET CHEMICAL extinguishers. Every model has undergone testing and been given the all-clear for the Class K rating by UL, with regards to restaurant kitchen dangers. They include a unique ingredient based on potassium acetate. Using a hand-held, portable fire extinguisher with a higher fire fighting power and cooling impact is necessary to put out these intensely hot and challenging flames, as evidenced by the current trend towards more energy-efficient cooking equipment and the usage of vegetable-based cooking oils. Accommodating visually appealing stainless steel cylinders, an easy-to-use hose, and a spray application nozzle, it comes in two sizes: 6 litre and 2½ gal. The Wet Chemical agent’s exceptional firefighting capacity is directed precisely where you want it to go, with no
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